"For God so loved the world, that he gave His one and only son, so that who so ever believe in HIM, shall not perish, but have EVERLSTING LIFE" John 3:16

More Pictures of Fundraiser! video coming soon

Most Recent Pictures of Tyler

Enjoy this slide show of Tylers Most Recent Photos Spring of 2007

More Coming Soon ...

July 10th Memorial Fundraiser

Thank You CareNet for sending us this video ... Thank you to everyone, for your generous donations to the Lockport CareNet Pregnancy Center ... Thank you for making this special fundraiser a success!



"And The Greatest of These is LOVE"


Precious Children, A PERFECT Gift From GOD

Bake Sale/Chin.Auction

Do you like to bake? Bring along your favorite recipe - packaged and ready to sell to benefit the Lockport Care-Net. Also, any contributions for the chinese auction can be dropped off at Lockport Care-Net or picked up, just call linda. Thank you so much for your positive enthusiasm as we plan this celebration together. We look forward to a night of fellowship!

Note Cards Almost Ready!

I just saw one of the first note cards featuring Tylers work ... these note cards will be available the night of the July 10th celebration! Remember, all sales are donated to the Lockport Care-Net. I will post them to the page as soon as available. If you are unable to join us on July 10th, and you would like to purchase them, simply call or email me or the Lockport Care-Net. You can also pre-order to be sure they are available that night.

A special Thank you to All Those Who Contributed To The Cause and Construction of This Pavilion. Each of you had such a special place in Tylers heart. What an Honor and Tribute to Tyler, but even more, what a Loving and Caring Community to live in. May this pavilion benefit the Children and Families of the Gasport Community for Years to Come!

Tylers Eternal Life Celebration/ Fund Raiser July 10th 2009

July 10th, 2009 come celebrate with us Tyler's 2nd Eternal Birthday! We are planning a potluck picnic on this day, at the Royalton Ravine, from 5 - 9 pm, with special music in the park along with a Fund Raiser, for the Lockport Care-Net Pregnancy Center. Baby Donations can be dropped off that night, along with a bake sale and Chinese auction. Also, for the first time, you can purchase note cards, featuring Tyler's Artwork ... which ALL proceeds are directly donated to the Pregnancy Center. Check back soon for more details on how to order these note cards as production starts!

This Cross Appeared In The Final Days of Construction at the Royalton Ravine.